나는 익플이 싫음 ㅇㅇ 그라데이션 코팅했는데 익플에서는 적용이 안 됨 백그라운드는 아니고 글자긴 한데… 결국 한줄한줄 끊어서 적용함… 이 바밤바같은 익플레기. ㅡㅡ+ 2017/08/31 by Lv. 34 라이츄 HTML/CSS/JSP 4
You can use the tag, which allows you to mark it as having a gradient.
I modified
In IE: colored text(no gradient)
other browser: gradient text
is that so? In fact, you can put gradients in any browser!
There are lots of CSS changes! If you put the existing CSS code, you can express it well in IE!
Oh, really? But I cannot adjust it.
Now I put gradients in every browser except IE.